About Us


Birgunj Cloth Merchants Association was formed in 1944 A.D. i.e. 2001 B.S. Considering the need of a common platform to safeguard and promote the interests of the business community  in the districts of Bara and Parsa. Later on, the name of the Association was slightly modified to Birgunj Merchant Association after the introduction of several other trading businesses in the arena.

With the passing of time, the then Birgunj Merchant Association was restructured with a constitution under the present name of Birgunj Chamber of Commerce & Industries (BiCCI) in 1967 A.D. i.e. 2024 B.S.

BiCCI has been playing a key role in promoting business and industry in this region from the very beginning of its establishment. It is the common forum or platform whereby all the business houses can express their voices, concerns and opinions regarding the different issues. BiCCI as a representative body puts forward the different vital issues so raised before concerned authorities on behalf of the entire business community within its working share.

Functional Body

To develop plans, implement, monitor & manage the day-to-day activities of BiCCI, a 46 member executive committee is elected from the general assembly of the Chamber, for a fixed term of 2 years. The executive committee consists of a President, 3 Vice-Presidents (one each fro commerce, industry and employers unit), a General Secretary, 2 Secretaries (Commerce - 1 & Industry - 1), a Treasurer, 2 Joint-Secretaries (Commerce - 1 & Industry - 1), a Joint-Treasurer, the immediate Past President, 24 Executive members, 3 nominated members (by the President) and 7 {Permanent Invites).

Objectives of BiCCI

1. Safeguard the rights and interest of business and industrial community by advocating relevant issues to concerning authorities.

2. Forge strategic alliances with local and foreign business organization, through MOU's, Joint Consultative Committees etc., for the establishments and development of mutual relationships.

3. Provide relevant and updated business information to members and other foreign investors such as information on business opportunities and threats, technological advancements, government rules etc.

4. Highlight the activities of the Chamber through Trade Directory, Periodicals and our chamber website.

5. Organize meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars etc. to provide members with a forum for exchange of views and experiences.

6. Conduct training programmers for Human Resource Development, skill and technological upgrading etc.

7. Encourage members to computerize their operations and take other IT initiatives to achieve greater efficiency.

8. Offer arbitration/mediation/conciliation services to help resolve trade disputes.

9. Training and consultation to encourage member companies to enhance competitiveness through quality management and improved product design.

10. Provide advisory services to government and other concerned authorities as and when required in formulation and execution of business and industry related policies, acts and programmers.

11. Foster cooperation with related national and international organizations.

There are several sub-committees comprising of representatives from the Executive Committee to check, monitor and control the activities of BiCCI.


Any firm, company, corporation, industry, organization and institution related with business can be a member of BiCCI, Members are classified as follows.

General Member (Commerce)

General Member (Industry)

Associate Member 

Affiliate Member (Commodity Associations)

Membership Benefits

To participate in Seminars, Talk Programmes and Discussions.

To acquire updated information on Trade related matters, Investment opportunities, Government policies, latest researches and developments in the business world.

To promote and develop business through connections and network at National and International levels.

To participate in National and International forums through Chambers' direct links.

To seek arbitration during Trade disputes (National of International).

BiCCI Services

Conduction of Market Survey and Research Prgrammes for the benefit of the Industries.

Advisory Services regarding Acts, and Regualtions, Tax and REvenue, Customs Trainings etc.

Organising General and Specialized Trade Fairs for the promotion of small and large industries.

Special Services

Dissemination of Business information through our Chamber website and through email.

Maintaining Digital Member database for efficient information sharing.

Issue of Certificate of Origin for Nepalese Products.

Registration and Renewal of Trading Firms.

Provide Industrial Security through its own Mobile Security Force.


All the activities of the chamber are co-ordinated by and Execurtive Secreatary, who is appointed by the Executive Committee. He is directly answerable to the Secretary General. The Secretariat consisting of eighteen staff, is always active and sincerely endeavoring towards the objectives of the chamber. The Secretariat Building is located at Main Road, Birta, Birgunj- 4.

Business Information Centre (BIC)

There are different sub-committee constituted under the Executive Committee BiCCI, to meet its principal objectives established. BIC is one such sub-committee entrusted with the responsibility to provide relevant and updated business information to members of BiCCI and specifically foreign investors interested to invest in Nepal.

Contirbution of BiCCI in Community Development

BiCCI has had a very humber beginning and so there is never moment when its members forget the struggling period. This is the reason why BiCCI is very committed on the Socio-Economic Front and is always optimistic about carrying out development works that benefit a large section of the Society. Some of its remarkable work and social contributions are:

Construction of His Majesty King Mahendra Arogra Bhawan (Hospital).

Construction of Her Bajesty Queen Aishwarya Maternity Hospital.

Construction of Shakaracharya Gate at the main entrance point of Nepal.

Construction of Pedestal and Installation of the statue of the great Poet Late Bhanubhakta at Bhanu Chowk.

Construction of Hostel Building for Nursing Campus.

Generous Contribution towards the Construction of the Child Development Centre.

Timely help extended towards the Relief Funds of Various Natural Disasters in the Country.

Financial help, provided to various other activities related to Education, Sports, Literature, Culture, Religion and other Social activities.

Renovation and Upgradation of garden at His Majesty King Mahendra Arogya Bhawan (Hospital).

Construction of Coronation Pillar mounted with the Royal Crown.